“…Hold on: / Hold on to what is good, / Even if it is a handful of dirt. / Hold on to what you believe in, / Even if it's a tree that stands on its own. / Hold on to what you must do, Even if it's far from here. / Hold on to life, / Even if it's easier to let go. / Hold on to my hand, / Even if one day I have to go away from you… ”. Prayer, Pueblo Indians.

Currently around the world there are more than 5,000 different groups in about 90 countries. Consisting of approximately 370 million people , that is, more than 5% of the world's population , they are, however, among the most disadvantaged and vulnerable populations, representing 15% of the poorest. Who will be to blame for this poverty? International governments? International tourism and its visual abuse without any cultural, social and environmental responsibility towards the true and real problems regarding the defense and conservation of uses, customs and lands?
We believe that it is better to blame consumption and the ego that forces human beings to abandon their spirit with the earth, for a few million coins, as appropriate to the country.
What does the spirit have to do with the International Day of Indigenous Peoples in the world and the wealth of man?
Each people, each culture has a different perspective to describe and live its spirit, but the essence is the same in any man who has connected with it. The etymology of the word “spirituality” comes from Latin; "spiritus" meaning "breath", "strong indomitable wind", "freedom".
Spirituality is a vital energy, which includes emotions, affections and character that demonstrates enthusiasm, will, love, courage and firmness. A wind of liberation within each soul as it is a fundamental part of life, social, family and communal. Without a doubt, the being that goes out to find it will find the true richness of its existence.
In indigenous wisdom, its spirituality is life, it is a knowledge that goes from the heart to the mind and from the mind to the heart, it is present, in every corner of nature where the spirit of life beats; then we learn to converse with telluric and cosmic spirituality; with the spirits that inhabit the plants, the animals, the mountains, the rivers, the waterfalls, with the moon, with the sun, with the rainbow. Spirituality is a social, cultural activity that helps to rediscover the deep joy of existence.
That is why spirituality is a responsibility of the family, of the community, of its elders and its young people, of women and men. It will depend on the training, maturity and awareness of identity that young people have to keep secret what needs to be kept secret, as part of the reserve of our culture and make public what needs to be made public to internally strengthen the community and to obtain the respect of other different peoples. Only then can we break the chains within your own minds and hearts and cosmic and collective mind.
About us? Where we come from? Where we go? —Fabian Muenala (Kichwa Hatari)
We are all capable of having a spirit, the problem comes from the fact that we are asleep because of what we have created, invented and that little by little is displacing the cultural richness of the origins of men... Indigenous peoples who give color, give teachings, who They speak with the spirits of the earth to be able to heal it from those who even devalue them, who discriminate against them, mock them, steal from them. People who are guardians and watchmen of the most beautiful landscapes on earth and who pray for all the beings that live here, regardless of whether you are good or bad... and they pray for the earth, everyone's home.
We are sure that we will need many lives to know, feel and love all indigenous peoples around the world. But perhaps with a life and a lot of passion we can begin with the same depth with which the Mexican Photographer Diego Huerta captures the spirituality of the indigenous peoples of Mexico. His eye is able to bring us in an image the spirit of people who still want to preserve true wealth.
We thought it was important and we managed to create an article that rescued the social and cultural value of a day that for many is common and ordinary but for others, it is about years of teachings and generations of people who, day by day, have the mission to continue connected with the supreme house, with the true wealth and values that form man. And now in times of Pandemic they leave us reflecting on the reunion with that sleeping spirit and our life purposes as walking mortals, since the spirit never really dies if it is remembered.
Diego's passion goes beyond just taking a photo... it is his social contribution to Mexico and the world to rescue that natural energy of connection with what really matters in our mortal existence. Diego is a clear example of another type of creative defense towards a passion directed towards a social purpose, where his photography, stories and videos show us other ways to preserve the wealth of indigenous peoples without en-violating the defense. His eye connects and captures the spirit to preserve it and share it with the world.
It is worth it to travel paths in search of your spirit, once found, to share it with your brothers in the world. After all, we all live in the same house, called Planet Earth.